We are fractional enablers for game studios and the entire ecosystem, making sure dreams become
succesfull games.

Wellcome to Beacon Squad.
Our promise is simple yet profound: We're here to support, enhance and complement game production journey every step of the way.
We recognize that the path to a full-fledge, monetized game project can be as challenging as it is rewarding. A successful game project needs multi-disciplinary art, development or production support. Diversity of platforms and skillsets needed exceeds fresh startup reach, regardless of funding. And these resources are not easy to find and not all of them you need to hire full-time. New-born game studios usually start with limited resources, alongside the challenge of committing to full-time roles in dynamic game production sprints.
It is not only fresh game studios.. Mature studios also face senior talent scarcity when it's time to scale up or fasten time to market. Enter game industry incubators and Investors/VCs who race hard for top-notch talent accessibility for their portfolios.
Beacon Squad is an industry partner providing ad-hoc or end-to-end game production and consultancy services. We have everything on demand, except your dreams!
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